Comment on a Planning Application

Please enter your comments on this planning application using the fields below. Please note that applications are not always referred to Committee when comments are made but your comments will be fully taken into account when the application is assessed.

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  • Application Number2022/09643/PA 
  • Application TypeFull Planning 
  • Site AddressLand bound by Moat Lane, Bradford Street, Rea Street, Pershore Street and Edgbaston Street Birmingham 
  • Hybrid application comprising ; Outline application (all matters reserved) for the demolition of existing buildings and the creation in phases of a new mixed-use development including residential floorspace (Class C3), co-living (Sui Generis); and non-residential floorspace comprising ; Hotel (C1); Retail and food and beverage ( (a,b,c)); Flexible commercial (Class E); Office and workspace (Class E (g)); Education( Class F1(a)); Local Community (Class F2(b)); Public House / bar (Sui Generis); Indoor sport / recreation (Class E(d)); Leisure and evening entertainment (Sui Generis); Theatre /Cinema (Sui Generis); Cultural uses (Class F1(b,c,d,e)); Market (Sui Generis) and refurbishment and change of use of the existing indoor market floorspace to flexible Market (Sui Generis) / Commercial (Class E(a, b, c, g)); with access, open space and public realm works; and Full Application for the demolition of any existing buildings and the creation of residential floorspace (429 units) (Class C3); and non-residential floorspace comprising retail and food and beverage (E(a,b,c)); Indoor sport / recreation (Class E(d)); Flexible commercial (Class E); Office and workspace (Class E (g)); Market (sui generis); Event space (Class F1 (e) / F2 (b)) together with landscape, public realm and open space, vehicular access, pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, drainage infrastructure, lighting and other associated development.

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