Hybrid application comprising ; Outline application (all matters reserved) for the demolition of existing buildings and the creation in phases of a new mixed-use development including residential floorspace (Class C3), co-living (Sui Generis); and non-residential floorspace comprising ; Hotel (C1); Retail and food and beverage ( (a,b,c)); Flexible commercial (Class E); Office and workspace (Class E (g)); Education( Class F1(a)); Local Community (Class F2(b)); Public House / bar (Sui Generis); Indoor sport / recreation (Class E(d)); Leisure and evening entertainment (Sui Generis); Theatre /Cinema (Sui Generis); Cultural uses (Class F1(b,c,d,e)); Market (Sui Generis) and refurbishment and change of use of the existing indoor market floorspace to flexible Market (Sui Generis) / Commercial (Class E(a, b, c, g)); with access, open space and public realm works; and Full Application for the demolition of any existing buildings and the creation of residential floorspace (429 units) (Class C3); and non-residential floorspace comprising retail and food and beverage (E(a,b,c)); Indoor sport / recreation (Class E(d)); Flexible commercial (Class E); Office and workspace (Class E (g)); Market (sui generis); Event space (Class F1 (e) / F2 (b)) together with landscape, public realm and open space, vehicular access, pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, drainage infrastructure, lighting and other associated development.