Hybrid planning application comprising: Full element for site clearance and phased demolition of all existing buildings (SBQ 1, 2 and 3) and the erection of a 48-storey residential building (SBQ 3) and associated amenity floor space (Use Class C3), lower and ground floor commercial spaces (Use Class E (a-d) and F2), public realm works, hard and soft landscaping, access, drainage, and all other associated works. Outline element (with all matters reserved) for the erection of two residential buildings (SBQ 1 and 2) (Use Class C3), with associated amenity floorspace (Use Class C3), lower and ground floor commercial uses (Class E (a-d), F2 and Sui Generis (drinking establishments, hot food takeaway and nightclub)), associated public realm works and landscaping, access, drainage, and all other associated works